"1 electronic resource (97 pages)"@eng . . . "[Interrogation of Nazi party members]"@eng . . . . "The file contains several interrogations of former Nazi Party members. This was part of the denazification (German: Entnazifizierung), which was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of any remnants of the National Socialist ideology (Nazism). It was carried out specifically by removing from positions of power and influence those who had been Nazi Party members and by disbanding or rendering impotent the organizations associated with Nazism. The interrogations seen in this file include the history and the professional career, as well as the affiliation to the party of the respondent. Not all of the interviewees were interrogated because of their possible racketeering, some of them were interrogated because of informations or their opinion. With questionnaires it was tried to catch the general opinion of the Germans in the year of 1945 and later. The reports are in German and English, in addition translations of each language are attached. Interrogations with people in important possitions in the Third Reich have been classified as confidential. For example the interrior with Werner Kreipe General, General Staff of the Wehrmacht and Director of the Luft-Krieg Akademie or Hans Reschke and Paul Schmidt."@eng . "[Interrogation of Nazi party members]"@eng . .