"The file contains informations about the newspaper 'The Onchan Pioneer' which was published in Onchan Internment Camp, on the the Isle of Man (self-governing crown dependency in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland). 'The Onchan Pioneer' was a weekly camp journal, published from July 1940 till July 1941, that reflected upon internee activities and campaigned for release. Informations about the situation in Germany are given, as well as parodies of Hitler and his policy. Furthermore programs of cultural events planed in the camp are given. Besides articles of inmates have been published in the Newspaper. Some wrote about their former life, others wrote about aspects of 'Palestine, between past and future' and some wrote about their life in the camp and their hopes. The variety of the articles reflect the complexity of the inmates, which were refugees from Germany and Austria. Also caricatures of all the camp inmates who were unharnessed and left the camp can be seen."@eng . "1 electronic resource (70 pages)"@eng . . "The Onchan Pioneer"@eng . . . . "The Onchan Pioneer"@eng . .