"The file contains reports, letters and minutes of academic related freedom of speech in Germany. Some reports inform about the academic freedom of speech in general and another one informs about the academic freedom of speech in New Zealand. Also abstracts from letters received from members of academic staff in the Universities of Great Britain are presented to draw comparisons. Charles Singer correspond with several University members of different countries discussing the commemoration of the 550th anniversary of the foundation of the Heidelberg University, as well as the happenings in Germany in the years of 1935 and 1936. Most of the responds to his letters were dinials attending the festivities of the Heidelberg University becuase of the restriction of the academic freedom of speech in Germany. The celebrations were entirely an outside stunt for political reasons, as Singer argues, therefore he insisted for the absence of the academic elite of other countries. For political reasons the advertisment of the University of Heidelberg was desired in 1936 instead of later, even though the real 550th anniversary would be one year later in 1937."@eng . "1 electronic resource (105 pages)"@eng . . "[Singer's correspondence on academic persecution]"@eng . . . . "[Singer's correspondence on academic persecution]"@eng . .