"Record of the Government meeting of the General Government on 16. december 1941 in Cracow. Frank urges the need to shoot every Jew who leaves the Ghetto. Diseases are directly linked to Jews. The meeting calls for better implementation of the death penalty and the sealing of Ghettos. The head of the main department labor and the Higher SS and Police Leader report from their departments. At the end of the meeting a speach of Frank. He refers to the war and occupation in the East and the implications for the General Gouvernment. He declares to be tougher against the Poles. He addressed his party colleagues on the ‘Jewish problem’. He made quite clear that the decision to embark on the mass murder of the whole population of European Jews had already been taken. There were to be further meetings to determine the logistics and the methods of killing. Another document is a"@eng . "1 electronic resource (7 pages)"@eng . . "Sitzung der Regierung des Generalgouvernement"@eng . . . . "Sitzung der Regierung des Generalgouvernement"@eng . .