"The file contains a newsletter about the question of interlectual influence of ecclesiastical society (zur Frage der geistigen Beeinflussung der kirchlichen Kreise). France, Great Britain, the United States of America and Switzerland have been enquired. In the United States of America material about 'the Churches and the International Crisis' is spreading around in all leading churches. In great Britain and France a team of experts work under the keyword of 'Neugestaltung Europas' (rearrangement of Europe) dealing with topics like 'Kriegszielpropaganda (war target propaganda)."@eng . "1 electronic resource (2 pages)"@eng . . "Zur Frage der geistigen Beeinflussung der kirchlichen Kreise"@eng . . . . "Zur Frage der geistigen Beeinflussung der kirchlichen Kreise"@eng . .