"The file contains Alfred Wieners personal efforts into researching the resistance of the German catholic and protestant churches against Nationalsocialist rule from 1933-1945. It contains personal statements, interviews as well as correspondence of eyewitnesses who testify to and explain the resistance of preachers and priests regarding the Nationalsocialist regime. They describe instances, examples and limits of the resistance, but also the extent of collaboration between the religious establishment and the Nazi regime. The file also contains personal letters of Alfred Wiener regarding the same topic. Lastly the file also contains the proceedings of an International Conference held in 1959 that tried to explore the topic of the\"Kirchenkamp\" \"fight of the churc\") in Germany."@eng . "1 electronic resource (24 pages)"@eng . . "[Alfred Wieners personal file on church resistance during the Nationalsocialist rule]"@eng . . . . "[Alfred Wieners personal file on church resistance during the Nationalsocialist rule]"@eng . .