"The file contains minutes of meetings of the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Inc, in 1949. All minutes contained in this file are regarding the collection and distribution of heirless Jewish items. One special meeting of the board of directors was held on January 11th, 1949, in New York. Several problems have been discussed, such as the legal problem involved in dealing with property if more proprietors claim it. Another minutes is regarding the annual meeting of the cooperation, held in October 17th, 1949. In this, among others, financial statesments and information about shipments have been given. It can be seen, how many books and pamphlets were shipped out of Germany into different countries. In other minutes it is presented which kind of problems of allocation and distribution had been arise. Also further operations in Germany, individual claims and acquisition of manuscripts have been discussed."@eng . "1 electronic resource (23 pages)"@eng . . "Minutes of a meetings of the board of directiors"@eng . . . . "Minutes of a meetings of the board of directiors"@eng . .