. "Convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany"@eng . "1 electronic resource (23 pages)"@eng . . . . "The file contains a convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany. The convention was signed by seven states, which like the 1936 provisional arrangement contained some restrictions on expulsion and refoulement. The convention shows definitions and handlings regarding the refugees. Beeing desirous of supplementing and consolidating the work done by the league of nation on behalf of the refugee. An identity certificate for refugees coming from Germany is also attached. This certificate is issued for the purpose of providing refugees from Germany with identety papers to take place of a passport. It is created to be without prejudice to and in no way affects the holder's nationality. The holder of this certificate has to return it on the expiration of its validity to the issuing authority. It is noted as the 'Nansen passport', which allowed stateless people to travel between countries. Furthermore the file contains a report about the international assistance to refugees. A plan is drawn for international assistance regarding the results of the convention in 1938."@eng . . "Convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany"@eng . . .