"The file contains a report about a speech held by Herr Hitler before the German Reichstag in Berlin on March 17th 1938. Hitler adresses the men of the German Reichstag and informs them of decisions which concern the German Nation and the German Reichstag itself regarding the annexation of Austria. In his speech he points out that the Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg of Austria was not willing to work with him and rejected the hand, which was streched out to him by Hitler. His work as a Chancellor was not accepting anymore, neither from the Austrian nation nor from Hitler. So he was determined to put an end to the further oppression of his homeland. As he said 'he took immediate steps that seemed proper to save Austria'. The result is that on April the 10th 1938, millions of German Austrians 'will testify before history to the greater German community of nationhood and destiny'. Hitler does not want them be left alone anymore, as he said, 'the whole Germany will accompany them from now on'. Concerning the Reichstag, he dissolved it of the old German Reich and orders the election of the new representative body for the Greater Germany. Furthermore documents on the 'reunion' of Austria with the German Reich are included in this file."@eng . "1 electronic resource (22 pages)"@eng . . "Speech held by Herr Hitler before the German Reichstag in Berlin on March 17th 1938"@eng . . . . "Speech held by Herr Hitler before the German Reichstag in Berlin on March 17th 1938"@eng . .