"The file contains 'Quotations from Herr Hitler's speeches' from 1933 till 1937. The Anglo - German information service published a report about passages of Hitler's speeches which were alleged quotations as published in certain sections of the British press. As the Anglo-German information service argues statesman's utterance are always made against the existing background of events, without which they lose their meaning. Following the Anglo-German information service these were 'quoted in the press as grounds for misgiving frequently reveals not only a different meaning but also consistency of aims ond views that might be evied by many other statemen'. Because of that the Anglo - German information service published a fuller and more exact version of those passages of Hitler's speeches together with particulars of the source."@eng . "1 electronic resource (7)"@eng . . "Quotations from Herr Hitler's speeches"@eng . . . . "Quotations from Herr Hitler's speeches"@eng . .