"The file contains a list of reports issued in 1937. In these list there is a variety of titles from reports mentioned. Like\"Three Years of the National Socialist Community 'Kraft durch Freud\" (Strength through Joy\", Hitlers speeches in 1937,\"the organization of work in German\" and\"New motor ways in German\", just to refer to some. Furthermore the file contains two reports of speeches. One report is about Hitler's speech at the end of the party congress in Nuremberg on September 14th, 1936. In his speech Hitler speaks among other things about the defence against intolerant views of others, about the Bolshevist interference as a world danger, as danger is caused by agressive methods of Bolshevism and how Germany is not only a Nation again but that the leaders and followers of the National Socialist Movement are like members of one great family. The second report is based on a speech hold by the German ambassador Mr. Joachim von Ribbentrop, at the Anglo - German fellowship dinner on the 15th of December 1936. He speaks for example about their relationship in general, scholarships for British students, lost opportunities and about economic questions."@eng . "1 electronic resource (39)"@eng . . "[List of Reports issued in 1936 and 1937]"@eng . . . . "[List of Reports issued in 1936 and 1937]"@eng . .