"The file contains documents concerning informations about labour work in Germany, the documents are delivered by the Anglo - German information service. One document is a list of members and representative of firms and corporate members. Dated on the 15th of July 1936. The other documents present an overview of german labour service. Since 1935 women and men were generally obliged to do labour service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) for the country. In the overview the voluntary labour service before 1933, the labour service today, the work set and cost and financing are mentioned. Besides 1936 have been 400 girlcamps exsisting and 11.000 girls from the age of 17 - 25 were working. The chief work consist in helping the overburdened mothers and housewife and in helping in newly built agricultural and suburban settlements as well as in distressed farming areas. The total number of persons in the labour service, including staff of around 20.000 persons was 182.370 on December 1st, 1936."@eng . "1 electronic resource (31)"@eng . . "German labour service"@eng . . . . "German labour service"@eng . .