"The file contains a copy of a speech of the 'Reichsminister of Church Affairs' Hanns Kerrl. Friedrich Müller, a member of the resistance, transscripet his speech, dated on the 28th of November 1935. Müller adresses the 'Bruderrat', the 'evangelische Kirche' and the 'altpreussische Union' to inform them about the plans of Hanns Kerrl. In his speech the 'Reichsminister' Kerrl points out that this would be his last try to combine the protestant churches within the German Evangelical Church (Deutsche Evangelische Kirche, DEK). For him it must be possible that everyone work within the best for the whole nation. And that it is not acceptable that th\"Bruderrat' interfere in his belongings. Mr. Müller points out that everything the\"Bruderra\" and other churchy organizations have to say and what they beliefe in is completely worthless and uninteresting for the 'Reichsminister of Church Affairs'. And because of that the negotiations between the churchy oganizations and Mr. Kerrl should stop."@eng . "1 electronic resource (4 pages)"@eng . . "[Copy of a speech of Hanns Kerrl, Reichsminister of Church Affairs]"@eng . . . . "[Copy of a speech of Hanns Kerrl, Reichsminister of Church Affairs]"@eng . .