"2 documents. Guidelines for the handling of the Jewish Question in the Occupied territories in the East. One document of the Ministry of the Occupied Territories in the East. Statement that the Jewish Question in the occupied territories in the East has to be\"solve\" in regard to the solution of the Jewish Question in Europe at all. Notice that actions that serve the elimination of the Jews shouldn't be impeded. Notice about the state of population of the Jews in the occupied territories in the East. Order to register and mark all the Jews and to extract them. Order to track covered Jews. Orders to establish Ghettos and hinder the free movement of Jews. Notes about economic and cultural restrictions for Jews. One document of the Realm Commissioner of the Ostland (occupied Baltic states and Belarus) about the treatment of Jews. Definition of Jews. Orders for Jews to register and wear stars. List of numerous restrictions and handling of Jewish property."@eng . "1 electronic resource (12 pages)"@eng . . "[Guidelines for the handling of the Jewish Question in the occupied territories in the East]"@eng . . . . "[Guidelines for the handling of the Jewish Question in the occupied territories in the East]"@eng . .