"The file contains two reports about the sitiuation of the occupied Warsaw and consequently the martyrdom of the Jewish population. The first report is based on the narration of a trustworthy Jewish person, who left Warsaw on the 27th of October. The correspondent gave a substantial report about the occupied territories in Poland, ecspecially about Warsaw. The report is subdevided in fourteen categories regarding daily life questions and the situation for Jews. Both reports discribe the new administration in Warsaw, as well as orders and laws passed by the Nazis, the economical situation and war damages just to name a few. In addition the martyrdom of the jewish population after the invasion of the Nazis is pointed out. The Nazis assured the Polish-not Jewish population, any assistance needed, but for the Jewish population in Warsaw the life became unpredictable. As the city was in ruins, Jews had to leave their houses to make space for others, furthermore compulsory labor and starvation belonged to their daily life."@eng . "1 electronic resource (15 pages)"@eng . . "Bericht über Warschau"@eng . . . . "Bericht über Warschau"@eng . .