"The file contains two publications. The first publication is an essay of Werner Stephan, who belonged to the close cooperators of Goebbels. His essay\"Für alle Zeiten! Neuordnung im deutschen Oste\" (For all times! Rearrangemant of the German east) was published in the\"Berliner Börsenzeitun\" in December 16th, 1939. He wrote about the German-Russian contract, signed on the 28th of September 1939. Based on that the Nazis had to rearrange the 'polish chaos' and bring order in the new Generalgouvernement. The second publication is from the\"Israel Kultusgemeinde Wie\" and deals with the deportation of employable Jews to Poland. The\"Israel Kultusgemeinde Wie\" gives detailed instruction about the deportation."@eng . "1 electronic resource (5 pages)"@eng . . "[Rearrangement of the German east]"@eng . . . . "[Rearrangement of the German east]"@eng . .