. . "The file contains correspondence pertaining to Felix Kersten, Heinrich Himmlers personal massagist and friend, following Himmlers secret instructions to act as an unofficial intermediary on a diplomatic mission to Sweden in concert with Walter Schellenberg, Germany's highest ranking intelligence officer, in order to negotiate terms with the allies in early 1945. The neutral intermediary and contact of the allies was Count Folke Bernadotte. Although these secret negotiations ultimately failed, Heinrich Himmlers personal involvement meant high treason. This selection of documents is all the more historically significant, since it contains a written affidavit/unilateral announcement of Himmler to obstruct Hitlers orders to liquidate all remaining concentration camp inmates and destroy all concentration camps before they could fall into enemy hands, as well as assurances to halt the mass killings of Jews as a sign of\"good fait\"."@eng . . . "[Heinrich Himmlers secret negotiations through Kersten and Schellenberg with Count Bernadotte]"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (24 pages)"@eng . . "[Heinrich Himmlers secret negotiations through Kersten and Schellenberg with Count Bernadotte]"@eng . .