"The file contains correspondence written in form of a circulated memorandum to Heinrich Himmler from subordinate SS command posts and high ranking SS personnel regarding the\"Final Solutio\" of the\"Jewish Questio\" in the Warthegau (German occupied central Poland). The measures proposed include ghettoization, starvation, sterilization, forced labor and extermination by means of a fast acting\"compoun\". The documents historical importance can not be overstated as it lists aforementioned proposed measures for the final solution as well as delegated responsibilities and organizational divisions of labor for the looming Holocaust."@eng . "1 electronic resource (14 pages)"@eng . . "[Heinrich Himmler and subordinates proposals dealing with the\"Jewish Questio\"]"@eng . . . . "[Heinrich Himmler and subordinates proposals dealing with the\"Jewish Questio\"]"@eng . .