"The file contains a transcript of a secret note adressed to the foreign press for their own briefing. Written by the 'Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Amtsgruppe Ausland' (Office for Foreign and Counter-Intelligence). The secret note with the titel\"Feindpropaganda in Generalgovernment wertet den Katyn Fall zu Angriffen auf die Methoden des KZ-Lagers Auschwitz au\" (Enemy propaganda in Generalgovernment evaluates the Katyn case to attacks on the methods of the concentration camp Auschwitz). As the title suggest, the polish resistance movement published information about the Katyn case, the Katyn massacre was a series of mass executions of Polish nationals carried out by the NKVD \"People's Commissariat for Internal Affair\", a Soviet secret police organisation) in April and May 1940. Because of that the government of the Generalgovernment want to plan excursions to the concentration camp in Auschwitz, to show the population how human, in comparison to the Katyn massacre, the Nazis act."@eng . "1 electronic resource (2 pages)"@eng . . "Feindpropaganda in Generalgovernment wertet den Katyn Fall zu Angriffen auf die Methoden des KZ-Lagers Auschwitz aus"@eng . . . . "Feindpropaganda in Generalgovernment wertet den Katyn Fall zu Angriffen auf die Methoden des KZ-Lagers Auschwitz aus"@eng . .