"The file contains various documents either written by or to Heinrich Himmler, concerning the Lebensborn society, the SS's own breeding program and set of facilities for the breeding of nordic-aryan children as the basic breeding stock for the Nazi ideologies vision of a future Master-Race. The correspondence mostly consists of reports to Heinrich Himmler from Lebensborn personnel regarding the activity of the organization within its breeding sites, among them\"underperformin\" breeding mothers with\"insufficient motherly instinct\", wetnurses engaging in draconic education and brutal rearing methods, as well as couples unable to produce offspring inquiring about options for artificial insemination and male sperm surrogacy/donations. The majority of Himmler's responses demonstrate his meticulous style of micromanaging even the most petty and menial aspects of life the SS's Lebensborn breedings sites/homes, e.g. that children should only be fed oatmeal as breakfast, what type of bedsheets should be used, as well as remarks, suggestions to improve the breeding facilities amenities and operations for efficacy. The correspondence ranges from 1938-1945."@eng . "1 electronic resource (65 pages)"@eng . . "[Documents of Heinrich Himmler concerning the Lebensborn Organization]"@eng . . . . "[Documents of Heinrich Himmler concerning the Lebensborn Organization]"@eng . .