. "[Besprechungen mit Geheimrat Heide über deutsche Gegenpropaganda in England]"@eng . "[Besprechungen mit Geheimrat Heide über deutsche Gegenpropaganda in England]"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (11 pages)"@eng . . . . . "The file contains a report by [Otto Christian Archibald Fürst von] Bismarck of the German Embassy of London to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin dated 19.09.1933 regarding talks with privy councillor [Walther Alexander] Heide about German counter-propaganda in England. The report elaborates that since the end of World War I the general attitude regarding Germany has improved and become more impartial. This development went on until the end of 1932/beginning of 1933. From mid-March of 1933 there has been an unfavorable turnaround in the public attitude, that results in a negative atmosphere against Germany, which is mirrored in the entire Press in Great Britains. Possible reasons for the turnaround are mentioned in the report. All possible efforts regarding counter-activities need to be taken, also in the long run, to work against this negative public attitude, for example: letters to the editors of newspapers, indirect influence of the Press by special agents, influence of Cinema and Radio Broadcasting, speeches about the new Germany at public meetings, cultural exchange (of academics, students, sportsmen, choirs)"@eng . .