. . "1 electronic resource (16 pages)"@eng . . . "[Fragebogen betreffend Stimmungsmachung und Propaganda gegen Deutschland, insbesondere von französischer und polnischer Seite]"@eng . . . "[Fragebogen betreffend Stimmungsmachung und Propaganda gegen Deutschland, insbesondere von französischer und polnischer Seite]"@eng . . "The file contains a report of the German Embassy of Rome to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin dated 10.10.1933 regarding Anti –German agitation and propaganda in Italy, especially by the Press. It also covers Propaganda related to a trip to Italy by a French Parliamentary Committee. The Public in Italy is not interested in Polish attempts of Anti-German Propaganda. Generally speaking, Italy has been a pleasant special case when it comes to Anti-German Propaganda. The Press is under strict state control, so that any systematic propaganda, that is not desired by the Italian government, is impossible. On the other hand, it is also not possible to spread Pro-German Propaganda, but this is just a small disadvantage compared to the merits of the above mentioned fact. This controlled system in Italy came especially handy regarding the Jewish Question. It can be said that there is a officially volitional friendly atmosphere regarding Germany."@eng .