"Umgang mit Ausländern"@eng . . "The file contains two articles, one named\"Umgang mit Ausländer\" (Handling foreigners), written by Dr. J. von Lees (5.5 pages long), the second one, of which only the beginning is included, named\"Pressevertreter und Kundgebung. Luxus oder nicht? (Representative of the press and rally -luxury or not?), written by Fritz Boßler (0.5 pages long, rest not included). Both do not contain a publishing date and are taken from a book/larger selection of articles. In the first article von Lees talks about how to handle foreigners visiting in Germany, be it connected with the Olympic Games happening in Germany or on business trips or vacations. He talks about how to avoid negative German habits and how to deal with prejudices against National Socialism or being faced with inquiries about the\"Jewish Questio\". In the second article Boßler covers the questions whether representatives of the press are necessary at a rally or not."@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (6 pages)"@eng . . . . "Umgang mit Ausländern"@eng .