. "Aufklärungs- und Redner-Informationsmaterial der Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP und des Reichspropagandaamtes der Deutschen Arbeitsfront"@eng . . "Informational brochure of the German Propaganda Headquarter of the NSDAP about\"Sudetendeutsch\" (Sudeten German) and the return of the Sudeten Germandom to the\"Reic\" from fall 1938. The brochure covers the following topics/has the following headings (examples): integration of the Sudetenland into the Reich, 20 years of servitude, the request for self-government, beginning of the final battle, intervention of the Reich, the Führer's claim for the right of self-determination for the Sudeten Germans, martial law and murder instead of self-determination, flight of the Sudeten Germans into the Reich,\"We want home into the Reic\", Prague makes a fool of itself, the Führer clarifies the German standpoint once again, Prague's double-cross, the German Memorandum, the Führer's last warning, the encounter of Munich, the liberation of Sudetenland, the misery of Sudeten Germandom, provoking Germany, Germany keeps peace, What the Sudeten Germandom wants, the integration of Sudetenland, reorganization of Czecho-Slovakia, the Sudeten German lands finally in possession of Germany, Sudeten Germandom under terror, Why Czechoslovakia was created"@eng . "2 electronic resources (27 pages and 18 pages)"@eng . . . . "Aufklärungs- und Redner-Informationsmaterial der Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP und des Reichspropagandaamtes der Deutschen Arbeitsfront"@eng . .