. "Eine Dorfversammlung der NSDAP -ein Fest der Volksgemeinschaft"@eng . . . "The file contains two articles, one named\"Eine Dorfversammlung der NSDAP-ein Fest der Volksgemeinschaf\" (A village meeting of the NSDAP -a celebration of Folk-Unity), written by Hermann Lomberg (2 pages long), the second one named\"Brief an einen Auslandsdeutsche\" (Letter to a German Expat), written by Arthur Siebert (3.5 pages long). Both do not contain a publishing date and are taken from a book/larger selection of articles. In the first article Lomberg describes a village meeting in Lemförde am Dümmersee, that is a lot more than pure duty, but a special\"hour of sanctificatio\". The speeker delivers his speech in a clearing of a German oak forest with more than 400 people from all parts and ranks of society (e.g. SA, SS, Hitler Youth, National Socialist Women's League, Worker, Handyman) gathered. There is a platform for the speaker, flags with swastika and on both sides of the speaker boys with lighted torches. The whole gathering has a unique, very unctuous coreography and is full of pathos and emotionalism. In the second article Siebert explains how the German language was abused by Jews, so that Goebels installed the so-called\"Schriftleitergeset\", a law consolidating the press. But the agitating journalists emigrated from Germany, took the German language with them and continue publishing and spreading Anti-German and Anti-Nazi propaganda abroad, e.g. in the\"Pariser Tageblat\". Therefore German counter-propaganda and enlightening Germans living abroad became a necessity. Siebert includes a letter to a doubtful German expat putting things right and describing the true situation in Germany."@eng . . . "Eine Dorfversammlung der NSDAP -ein Fest der Volksgemeinschaft"@eng . . . "1 electronic resource ( 6 pages)"@eng .