"The text is a writing about the\"Judenfrag\" \"Jewish questio\") stating that arrogance of a gifted intellect is often restricted by a border of historical or metaphysical justice. That's what the punitive God did to German Jewry which was partly stripped off its means of existence. Jews in Germany became outcasts and began to feel the difference between Germans and Jews. This reaction of the German folk instinct is not unfair, but led by a higher justice. Who is arrogant needs to suffer, who is intelligent must serve others, who is superiour must pay for it painfully. From 1918 on the intellectual capability of German Jewry shaped the Weimar Constitution, Jews got high positions in State, Economy, Universities and Press. This foreign infiltration and growing power of German Jewry got scary. Now this is the counterstrike. German Jews lacked modesty and the Germans suffered a lot. On a private basis, however, personal contacts to Jews should be used to moderate this tragedy now happening to German Jewry in the name of humanity."@eng . "1 electronic resource (2 pages)"@eng . . "Zur Judenfrage"@eng . . . . "Zur Judenfrage"@eng . .