"The document contains two orders for preventive detention \"Schutzhaftbefeh\") issued by the Secret State Police \"Geheime Staatspolize\") in Berlin. Both state that the people mentioned to take into detention pose a threat to the stability and security to the German people and and state through their behaviour. In both orders specific causes are mentioned. The first order bears a stamp of the Secret State Police Frankfurt/Main and the date 07.09.1942. It is for Sigmund Israel Kaiser, born 27.07.1882 in Eschwege, Jewish, living at Rankestr. 9 in Frankfurt. The second order bears a stamp of the Secret State Police Berlin and the date 12.10. [year not readable]. It is for Herbert Plaut, born 26.12.1919 in Kassel, Protestant, mixed-blood 1st degree \"Mischling 1. Grades), living at Dr. Knackfuss, Niebuhrstr. 76, Berlin-Charlottenburg."@eng . "1 electronic resource (2 pages)"@eng . . "[Schutzhaftbefehle]"@eng . . . . "[Schutzhaftbefehle]"@eng . .