"[Fragebogen zu einem Erlass der Presseabteilung und der Abt. VI an die deutschen Auslandsvetretungen und Generalkonsulate.]"@eng . . "The file contains a report of the German Embassy of Spain to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin dated 30.05.1933 regarding anti –German agitation and propaganda in Spain. Anti-German agitation can only be found in the Spanish press, there is no considerable counter-propaganda in film, literature, theater and public speeches. The Madrid leftist press agitates sharply against Germany, the Madrid rightist press upkeeps their very friendly opinion towards Germany. France is unfolding a very strong political and cultural propaganda and the French Embassy is influencing the Spanish Press against Germany. There is hardly any Polish influence in the Spanish Press and hardly any cases of support for the anti-German propaganda in Spain through Germany. The German Embassy stepped in against anti-German propaganda several times at the Spanish Government, but to develop an effective defense and counter-propaganda in Spain, the Spanish press needs to be influenced more. Below the letter there is a stamp\"E60703\" and a handwritten signature, that is barely recognizable as [Johannes Bernhard Graf von] Welczeck [, the German Ambassador in Spain at that time]."@eng . "1 electronic resource (7 pages)"@eng . . . . . "[Fragebogen zu einem Erlass der Presseabteilung und der Abt. VI an die deutschen Auslandsvetretungen und Generalkonsulate.]"@eng . .