. . . "The file contains a report of the German Embassy of Prague to the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin dated 15.05.1933 regarding anti-German propaganda in Czechoslovakia. All Czechoslovakian parties and the Czechoslovakian press are campaigning against Germany since the installment of the government of national uprising . The Czechoslovakian government is even fostering this. There is a number of anti-German propaganda papers named\"Aufru\",\"Wahrhei\",\"Neue Weltbühn\",\"A.I.Z\",\"Gegenangrif\",\"Unser Wor\",\"Sozialdemokratischer Pressediens\" and\"Deutscher Diens\". There is hardly any French propaganda, but a lot of Polish propaganda. Counter measures taken by the German Embassy in Prague and related protective organizations in Germany are mentioned. However, here will be no considerable success as long as the consolidation of the institutional powers is not finished in Germany."@eng . "1 electronic resource (5 pages)"@eng . . "[Deutschfeindliche Stimmungsmache in der Tschechoslowakei - Bericht der Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Prag]"@eng . . "[Deutschfeindliche Stimmungsmache in der Tschechoslowakei - Bericht der Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Prag]"@eng . .