[Bericht der Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Helsingfors vom 12. Mai 1933 Tgb. Nr. 548 und Anlage zum Bericht]

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[Bericht der Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Helsingfors vom 12. Mai 1933 Tgb. Nr. 548 und Anlage zum Bericht] 
[Bericht der Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Helsingfors vom 12. Mai 1933 Tgb. Nr. 548 und Anlage zum Bericht] 
1 electronic resource (12 pages) 
Report by the German Embassy in Helsingfors, Finland, dated 12.05.1933 to the German Foreign Ministry about anti-German propaganda in Finland, the Embassy's counter-propaganda and proposals to intensify that. There is also an attachment further describing the situation in Finland, the attitude towards Germany of various groups and press organs in Helsinki. Some examples from the report: Mainly the Polish side tries to campaign against Germany . The local Laplander press is friendly towards Germany, the agrarian press is anti-German, the progressive press (which was already traditionally not friendly) recently holds a strong attitude against Germany because of the"Jewish Questio" and the sacking of Jewish and anti-national professors in Germany. The most anti-German is the social democratic press. Other groups and press organizations covered: Swedish press, French influence (almost none), business press. Anti-German influence from Germany by Social Democrats is relatively weak. The German Embassy in Helsingfors protested against anti-German articles at the Foreign Ministry and disclaimers in the press were done. There is a close connection to the German Chamber of Commerce in Finland and her syndic [Otto] von Zwehl. There is also a connection to the local group of the National Socialist Party and collaboration regarding the defense against Anti-German Propaganda. It would be worth considering to invite representatives of the middle-class press to a free visit to Germany and to establish scholarships at German Universities for Finnish students. It would be suitable for the German Embassy to receive reliable counter-material to defend against anti-German propaganda (e.g. regarding the"Jewish Questio"). 

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