"[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Record No. 18]"@eng . . . "[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Record No. 18]"@eng . . "Ezriel Kruk was a jewish soldier in the Polish army, a member for the jewish comittee in Lipna and a member of the Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln un Rusland (General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia. He depicts how on the 5th of September 1939 the civil population and the army were evacuated from Lipna. Although the Germans and the Jews of his unit were not put on guard anymore, he stayed with the unit and testified how the Polish army arrested german civilians. He also describes lynching of German civilians by the Polish population. During heavy air raids the lieutnant of his unit left the soldiers behind and a part of his unit surrendered to the Nazis. He joined a group of prisoners of the Soviets and mentioned that he has no knowledge about anti semetic incidents of the Polish soldiers. Protocol No.18 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect evidence on the condition of the Jews in Poland under Nazi occupation.\n\nProtocol No.18 -- פראטאקאל נומער 18"@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (8 Pages)"@eng . .