An example of a tracing case concerning a"Lebensbor" Child located through the joint efforts of the Polish Red Cross, German Suchdienst und IRO an entity of type: Record

An example of a tracing case concerning a"Lebensbor" Child located through the joint efforts of the Polish Red Cross, German Suchdienst und IRO 
An example of a tracing case concerning a"Lebensbor" Child located through the joint efforts of the Polish Red Cross, German Suchdienst und IRO 
1 electronic resource (15 Pages) 
The file contains of examples of successful tracing cases of the"Lebensbor" children Feliks and Maria. Through international effort of the Red Cross Child Search Branches in Poland and Czech, the German Suchdienst and the ITS, the children were be able to be returned to their country of origin. The file includes documents in Polish, German and English. 

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