"[Report about follow up investigation on Heinrich Wasem]"@eng . "This files contains of 3 documents, all regarding the whereabouts of Heinrich Wasem in 1947. In the first document Karl Raddatz, from the Vereinigungen der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime), forwards the current address of Wasem to Cpt. Zwart from the Netherlands Red Cross. The second document appoints Otto H., and refers to Wasem's position at Siemens in Berlin at the Lebensborn Project. It shows the same address as in the document before. The third is called\"Repor\" / Bericht and is written by O.H. (presumably Otto H.) from Berlin, November 1947 regarding the case\"Wasem-Tangermünd\". It says that another conversation with Heinrich Wasem did not reach new conclusion although pressure was put on him."@eng . "[Report about follow up investigation on Heinrich Wasem]"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource ( 3 pages)"@eng . . . .