"[International Tracing Center Reports]"@eng . . "The files contain of several handwritten notes in German. They are connected to the file (Sys. No. 432013). Reoccurring names from other documents are: Otto H. (Sys. No 432013), Heinrich Crans (Sys. No 431774), Lothar Wochinger (Sys. No. 431774), Willi Winter (Sys. no. 431774), Georg Hainka (Sys. no. 432013), Adam Dozidowski (Sys. No 431774), Heinrich Wasem (Sys. no. 432013). There is a note about a Work Camp in Finow, a notification about a list containing the names of children from Buchenwald and Auschwitz who were brought to Switzerland, 9 pages of names and addresses (including the names mentioned above), a note about Lebensborn homes and photos, a business card of Claus Ritter from Essen / Ruhr, and a cover of a file named International Tracing Center Reports."@eng . . "[International Tracing Center Reports]"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (28 pages)"@eng . . .