"The file contains the indictment, a record of the session and the verdict in the trial against Boris Tödtli for violating the espionage law in Switzerland. Boris Tödtli was sentenced on the 5th of April 1938 to three months in prison, to pay the costs of the trial and to pay compensation. Tödtli sent intentionally information to the Welt Dienst and thus to Fleischhauer. Fleischhauer did not use this information for private purposes but used it for NSDAP anti-Semitic purposes. Plaintiff was C.A. Loosli represented by Boris Lifschitz."@eng . "2 electronic resources (4 pages)"@eng . . "Der Spionageprozess Boris Tödtli vor dem Berner Strafamtsgericht"@eng . . . . "Der Spionageprozess Boris Tödtli vor dem Berner Strafamtsgericht"@eng . .