. "The file includes a German translation of chapter XLII\"The Tanaka Memoria\" from the book 'The Case for Manchoukuo' by George Bronson Rea. The Tanaka memorial is a war propaganda that describes an alleged war in China. In the translation, the comparison to the Protocols of the wise men of Zion is drawn, because both propaganda writings could be declared 'true' with sufficient historical events. Only the suitable events have to be connected in order to be able to tell those fantastic stories. At the end of the chapter it is pointed out that no Japanese or Chinese could have devised such a plan. There are also newspaper articles attached, which report on an anti-Semitic book 'Die höre jüdische Rasse'. This book explains why the Jews supposedly see themselves as a race and that they will soon take over the world."@eng . . . "1 online resource (4 pages)"@eng . . "Uebersetzung aus The case for Manchoukuo"@eng . . "Uebersetzung aus The case for Manchoukuo"@eng . .