. . . . "Interview with Odette Brunshvig. Bern - November 1992"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (16 pages)"@eng . . "Interview with Odette Brunshvig. Bern - November 1992"@eng . "The file contains a description of the time Hadassa Ben-Itto, as the interviewer, spent with Odette Brunschvig in November 1992 in Bern. In detail Hadassa Ben-Itto describes the personal living condition of Odette Brunschvig at the present time and how they used to be with her late husband. Furthermore Hadassa explains how Odette showed her around the city and what they saw together. The first visit was to the courthouse, as she wanted to see the courtroom in which the Bern Trial took place. The Governor of the district of Bern, Sabastian Benz showed them the courtroom. The next day they visited Emil Raas in the hospital and he as well got interviewed. Odette also took Hadassa to places she went with her late husband Georges Brunschvig. For example to the Synagogue where Geroge used to occupy the seat of honor when he served as president of the community. She explained Hadassa that to this day she would still dream of Yom Kippur war 1973 and feels that also her husband was a victim of that war. They also speak about the Bern trial itself, how Odettes feelings were and how she remembered specific people. Also personal questions have been asked and answered by Odette.\n\nInterview with Odette Brunshvig Bern - November 1992 Ben-Itto, Hadassa Ewige Lüge - von Hitler bis Hisbollah Gafner, Rudolf Der Bund, 13.05.2005, Bern"@eng .