. "A batch of documents concerning the Bern trial: A report written by A. S. Tager in preparation for the Bern trial summarizing the antisemitic mood in Russia that led to the writing and publication of the Protocols of the wise men of Zion; List of archives that store documents about the Protocols; Articles from the newspaper Obshchée Delo offering a brief history of the Protocols; Excerpts from a book written by Burtsev Vladimir L'vovich.\n\nSion Protocols - Absolute Plagiarism / Sergei Svatikov Obtchée Delo -- The Protocols of Elders of Zion - Proven Forgery / Burtsev, V. L."@eng . . . "[Documents revolving the Bern Trials]"@eng . . "1 online resource (40 pages)"@eng . "[Documents revolving the Bern Trials]"@eng . . .