"The court judgment was to dismiss the claim to of and its owner, publisher and chief-editor Vasiliev D. D. We agree with the operative part of the court's decision. But the huge amount of documents, which were necessary for the right decision and were examined by the court are not mentioned in the motivational part of the final court decision. In our opinion the court judgment is wrong and we ask to repeal it. The fact of being Protocols of the Elders of Zion a fabricated document is proven and widely known in the world. Its publication by the “Pamyat” newspaper is nothing else but an antisemitic act inciting national hatred. That was the reason why the editorial staff of included the newspaper in the list of antisemitic publications. And this this is not a “subjective opinion of the editorial board”. The public prosecutor Belavencewa referring to experts opinions concluded, that “The Jewish Gazette” had full justification to include “Pamyat” in this list. All the experts whom the court applied confirmed that Protocols is a fabricated antisemitic text, however in the final court judgment stays: “Establishing the falsity or authenticity does not fall within the competence of the court”. We consider the court decision incomplete and ask to reveal it."@eng . "1 online resource (4 pages)"@eng . . "[Golanpolski in Pamyat trial]"@eng . . . . "[Golanpolski in Pamyat trial]"@eng . .