. "[Annual topics concerning the Universal Jewish community]"@eng . "[Annual topics concerning the Universal Jewish community]"@eng . "This file contains a copy of the annual journal\"Paix et Droi\" published by the Organization of the Israelite Universal Alliance (May 1935 Paris France). 'Paix et Droit' was the official journal of the organization L'Alliance israƩlite universelle (AIU) and the continuation of Bulletin 'de l'Alliance israƩlite universelle', which was published in Paris from 1860 to 1913. Founded in 1860, the AIU was the first international Jewish organization; it operated to defend the rights of Jews throughout the world and simultaneously established a network of schools throughout the Mediterranean Basin, the Near East, and the Balkan countries. The journal covers the following subjects: - Sentence of the Bern trial on the 'The protocols of the elders of Zio\"; - The 75th anniversary of the\"Israelite Universal Allianc\" foundation. - German Antisemitism; - The trial of the 'The protocols of the elders of Zio\" at Bern; - A letter from Poland after the death of Pilsudski, - Romania: Arguments in favor and against the\"numerus valahicu\" (referring to the closed number admission of Jews in different professional fields)."@eng . . . . . "1 electronic resource (9 pages)"@eng . "1935/" .