. . "The file contains newspaper clippings of several newspapers in Switzerland and Germany dated on the middle of May 1935. The collection of articles is regarding the expertises of the experts appointed for the Bern trail. The articles discuss the different expertises of Baumgarten, Loosli and Fleischhauer. These are for example published by the newspapers: Die Nationale Zeitung, Die Front, Neue Zuricher Zeitung, Baseler Nachrichten, Westfalische Landeszeitung, Ostjudische Zeitung, Zuricher Post, Die Stimme, Judische Rundschau, Der Angriff and others. The way in which the expertises and the trial are reported, of course, very much depends on the newspaper's own political affiliation. The right-wing extremist newspapers naturally declare Fleischhauer's expertise to be absolutely credible and understandable, whereas they do not label Baumgartens or Looslis expertise as truthful. Other newspapers report on the propaganda that was carried out in the court, the disappearance of facts and evidence and the intimidation of witnesses by Fleischhauer. An article by the Times Foreign News reports about the four volume dictionary of Jewish Atrocities by Ulrich Fleischhauer, he orated furthermore two whole days of the court sessions, filling Swiss papers with 'the greatest volume of antisemitic utterance they have ever published.' While the experts Arthur Baumgarten and C. A. Loosli declared the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a plagiarism and a forgery produced by helpers of the tsarist Russian Okhrana, anti-Semitic expert Ulrich Fleischhauer claimed that they were genuine but of uncertain authorship, possibly composed by the Jewish author Ahad Haam and passed at a secret meeting of Bnai Brith which purportedly took place in 1897 during the first Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland. Furthermore informations about fights and argues between the experts were published."@eng . . "[Newspaper articles about the discussions regarding the expertise in the Bern trial]"@eng . . "[Newspaper articles about the discussions regarding the expertise in the Bern trial]"@eng . . "2 electronic resource (26 pages)"@eng . .