. . . . "[Letter to Brunschvig regarding antisemitic seminars by Lee in Switzerland]"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (3 pages)"@eng . "[Letter to Brunschvig regarding antisemitic seminars by Lee in Switzerland]"@eng . "The file contains a letter to Georges Brunschvig regarding antisemitic lectures and seminars about the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion by the 'Volksbund' held by Lee. The question about the financial funding and material procurement is asked in the letter. It seems most probable that Lee and the Swiss Volksbund are financed from Germany and that the material also comes from there. As most of the lectures were held in 1934 and 1935 and much of what was reported surfaced later in the expert opinion of Fleischhauer in the Bern trial. That confirms the assumption that the Nazis, especially Fleischhauer and the Welt-Dienst had something to do with the matter."@eng .