. "[Newspaper reports from 1922 till 1926 regarding the Protocols of the wise man of Zion]"@eng . "1 electronic resource (33 pages)"@eng . . "[Newspaper reports from 1922 till 1926 regarding the Protocols of the wise man of Zion]"@eng . . . . . "The file contains newspaper reports published in several newspapers in different European countries, mostly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, during the years of 1922-1926. The file belongs to the Verfilmungsprojekt\"Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zio\" by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich; Archiv für Zeitgeschichte; Zeitungsberichte von 1903 bis 1935. Several newspaper report about the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion and the enveloping of the Times. On August 16, 1921, the Times published an article on the Jewish world conspiracy entitled: 'A Glossary. The origin of the Protocols. Finally the truth.' After a brief introduction, in which the origin of the Protocols is reported, evidence for the gross falsification is provided. The alleged Protocols are a plagiarism of the book: 'Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIXem siecle, par un contemporain' by Maurice Joly. Several witnesses have been questioned and informations about the true origin of the alleged Protocols has been gathered and provided. The 'CV Zeitung', the newspaper of the Central Association of German citizens of Jewish faith (Organ des Central-Vereines deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens), as well as the 'Entlebucher Anzeiger' and the 'Wiener Morgenzeitun'g reported about that topic in several edition and years. Also other newspapers in different countries, like the 'Prager Presse' informed about the proven forgery of the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion. Further false information published by the 'Morgen' concerning the connection of Freemasons and Judaism was verified by several other newspaper."@eng .