"The file contains several correspondences from the year of 1934. The topics of the letter differ a lot, some are regarding antisemitic and national socialist ideas and opinions, others are concerning the fight against national socialism and antisemitism. Some correspondence are in between Germany others are in Switzerland or across borders. For example the correspondences of Carl Albert Loosli regarding the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion and the Bern trial. In some letters he explains his work on that topic, in others he tries to gather informations as well as to spread it. Also letters of the Schweizerischen Israelischen Gemeindebund (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities) and the Israelischen Kultusgemeinde Bern are attached. Furthermore translated letters from Russian to German between Bagotzky and Boris Lifschitz can be seen. Also these letters are exchanging informations about the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion and the Bern trial. During the Bern trial, Lifschitz was instrumental in organizing the prosecution's litigation, but remained out of public due to his political obligations. He assisted in the translation of documents of Russian language, which he procured from the archives of the USSR. Additionally correspondences from other participants of the Bern trial like Albert Baumgarten and Saly Mayer, as well as letters between Oscar Meyer and the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities concerning antisemitic publications in newspapers and regarding the Bern Bern trial can be seen. Also handwritten letters are attached."@eng . "2 electronic resources (39 pages)"@eng . . "Korrespondenz"@eng . . . . "Korrespondenz"@eng . .