"The file contains an exposé about the events of the trial of the 'Protocols of the wise man of Zion'. With the judgment of 14.5.1935 Silvio Schnell and Theodor Fischer were convicted of offenses against article 14. of the Schundliteraturgesetz (law of trash literature). Ruef, the lawyer of Schnell, appealed against this conviction. In this expose the events of the revision trail are presented, as well as information of two other trials, with the topic of the coverage of the costs which occurred in the Bern trial."@eng . "1 electronic resource (12 pages)"@eng . . "Expose über die Lage des Prozesses um die\"Protokolle des Weisen von Zio\""@eng . . . . "Expose über die Lage des Prozesses um die\"Protokolle des Weisen von Zio\""@eng . .