"The attached file contains the judgement and a summary of the\"Grahamstown Tria\". This case deals with a crude forgery by Harry Victor Inch (leader in the Eastern Province of the South African Grey Shirts Movement), of the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion and a Jewish world conspiracy. The newspaper\"Die Rappor\" published a document (in an Afrikaans version on 6 April and in the original English version on 13 April) allegedly stolen by Mr. Inch from the Western Road Synagogue in Port Elizabeth. This fake document includes both a rather vague and a very detailed Jewish\"Plan of Attac\", which appears to be a record of an address delivered by the rabbi to the members of the local Jewish community. Mr. Inch was punished with a fine of £1,000, Mr. Moltke was fined £750 and Mr. Olivier £25. Judge Graham justified this on the grounds that Mr. Inch either faked the document or tolerated that it was a forgery, that Mr. Moltke acted very narrow-minded and that Mr. Olivier should have been more careful about the content and authenticity of the document he published.\n\nJudgment and Summary of the Trial"@eng . "1 electronic resource (64 pages)"@eng . . "Judgment Grey Shirt Libel Action at Grahamstown"@eng . . . . "Judgment Grey Shirt Libel Action at Grahamstown"@eng . .