"The file contains documents regarding the Dreyfuss-Brodsky and Cohn trial in 1934. Jules Dreyfuss-Brodsky and Dr. Marcus Cohn indicted Alfred Zander and Eduard Ruegsegger for writing, publishing and spreading informations about the 'Protocols of the Wise man of Zion'. In the newspaper 'Der Eiserne Besen' of 9.7.1933, publisher is the 'National Front' in Basel, the article appeared: And it is real! It states that the 'Protocols' are genuine, contrary to the Jews' struggles to expose them as frauds. On June 23, 1933, lawyer Dr. Oskar Meyer, on behalf of Mr. Jules Dreyfuss-Brodsky and Dr. med. Marcus Cohn, filed a criminal complaint against Zander and Rueggsegger for libel. On February 2, 1934, the criminal case was suspended, as the criminal prosecution of the spread of an offensive press report was not possible."@eng . "3 electronic resources (44 pages)"@eng . . "[Legal opinion, letters and transcriptions against Alfred Zander and E. Ruegsegger]"@eng . . . . "[Legal opinion, letters and transcriptions against Alfred Zander and E. Ruegsegger]"@eng . .