"The file contains the protocols of the seventh session of the Bern trial on the 2nd of May 1935 at 2.30 pm. After the president, judge Walter Meyer opened the session Arthur Baumgarten got the permission to speak, as he got new informations since the last session the day before. He read the letter of Eugen Weinbrenner out loud, where he explains that the expertise of Baumgarten not based on the truth and that he, Eugen Weinbrenner, would like to be questioned as a witness in the Bern Trial as he knows a lot about the Freemasons. Baumgarten explains afterwords that it is not the task of this trial to gather information about the Freemasons, but to show that the Protocols of the wise man on Zion are a forgery. Following Baumgartens statements, Fleischhauer continued his expertise. He was objurgated by Walter Meyer to not speak to the audience, as this is a trial and his job is to convince the judge not the audience. The rest of the session Fleischhauer speaks in his expertise about the alleged Congress, on which the Protocols are based on, he shows statements of other Jews, which show the alleged authenticity of the Protocols, he questions earlier testimonies and explains further his idea of the Talmud and its meaning."@eng . "1 electronic resource (71 pages)"@eng . . "[Court Protocols - Session VII]"@eng . . . . "[Court Protocols - Session VII]"@eng . .