"The file contains the court protocol of the third session of the Bern Trial on the 30th of April 1935, at 9 o'clock in the morning. In this session Fleischhauer starts his expert statement and takes comments to Baumgartens expertise. He claims that Baumgarten did not take his responsibility serious enough to explore the authenticity of the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion. Fleischhauer characterizes the witnesses Radziwill and Du Chayla. Furthermore he explains the studies of the Talmud and wants to show that he knows the Jewish culture better then Baumgarten. In addition he used evidence of Herzl's Diary and shows the work, life and friends of Joly."@eng . "2 electronic resources (51 pages)"@eng . . "[Court Protocols - Session III]"@eng . . . . "[Court Protocols - Session III]"@eng . .