"Taĭna Sionskikh Mudretso" v Germanii "Тайна Сионскикх Мудрецо" в Германии
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394904146-990004849210304146 an entity of type: Record
"Taĭna Sionskikh Mudretso" v Germanii
"Тайна Сионскикх Мудрецо" в Германии
"Taĭna Sionskikh Mudretso" v Germanii
"Тайна Сионскикх Мудрецо" в Германии
1 electronic resource (5 pages)
Article from the Evreĭskaia Tribuna discussing the most recent publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Germany, edited and with extensive commentary. The author of the article notes that Antisemitism in Germany is substantially on the rise, which is both a cause and a result of the republishing of the Protocols. The file contains a German translation of the Russian original article.